Director Concierge/Assistant Administrator: Dimitry Schwartz
Patient’s Age: 45-years-old
Initial Admission Date: 4/9/21
Admitted From: St. Francis Hospital
Discharge Date: 5/14/2021
Reason for Stay: Cervicalgia, history of spinal disc herniations, generalized weakness, falls at home
Details of Experience:
George’s issues began when he was playing college basketball. He had experienced a lumbar disc herniation, which required surgical intervention. Shortly after that, the disc below required surgery, as well. Since then, he has had problems with his lower back and experienced more herniations that led to cervical spine surgery. About three weeks before his hospitalization, he fell while walking down the stairs and fell on his back. Since then, he has had progressive weakness and numbness on this right side. That is when he decided to check himself into St. Francis Hospital. The medical team at the hospital recommended that George would benefit from short-term rehabilitation. On April 9, George came to the Hamlet for physical and occupational therapeutic rehabilitation.
Upon arrival, he was greeted by Hamlet’s fantastic interdisciplinary team, including social work, nursing, and reception. George has shared that he had years of back problems, including spinal fusion surgeries and spinal disc herniations that caused lower body weakness. He had been troubled by these issues for over 20 years. The Hamlet rehab team wasted no time and got to work with George. Occupational therapy set goals to improve upper and lower body mobility when bathing, improve mobility when providing self-hygiene and grooming, improve lower body dressing, improve toilet transfers. All of these functions were significantly improved from the need for moderate assistance to standby assistance. Physical therapy had also set very exciting goals. They improved Mr. Cahill’s ambulation abilities, bed mobility, functional transfers, stabilized gait patterns. Overall, George improved significantly and was excited to return home with improved independence. During his leisure time, when he was not doing rehab, he enjoyed chatting with the staff, watching TV, sports betting on his phone, and watching his favorite shows.
Hamlet would like to thank George for choosing the rehabilitation journey with us. We wish you health and happiness.